The NWAI repaired a 40m section of eroding riverbank bank on Nashwaak Valley Farms in Penniac. We installed a rock toe to prevent undercutting and re-sloped the bank to allow water to spill over into the floodplain. We will plant native grasses, shrubs, and trees. This restoration was part of a larger Atlantic Ecosystems Initiative project taking place in the lower Wolatoq watershed. A number of watershed groups are working on a Restoration Handbook and Toolkit that will be available in spring 2020.
It is recognized by climate change scientists that one of the most effective ways to limit the negative impacts of climate change on freshwater resources is through maintaining naturalized and well-vegetated shorelines with native plants that are resistant to the impacts of a changing climate.
Support for this work was provided by EcoAction – Environment and Climate Change Canada, Atlantic Salmon Conservation Foundation, Lush Cosmetics, NB Environmental Trust Fund and NB Wildlife Trust Fund.
For more details read the media coverage on this project: CBC News Story, CTV News Story
Click below for the video clip on CBC New Brunswick News
August 15, 2019
Click to read the article from the Daily Gleaner
The final report for this project will be available on our website soon. You can contact our office for a copy.